Shipping Policy

Shipping Area

Our products can be shipped to hundreds of countries around the world. We have a local warehouse in the United States. We also offers international shipping.

What are your shipping rates?

Orders of $1-199: $19,99

Orders $199 and above: FREE

For wholesale shipping rates, please contact

Shipping is calculated on the discounted cart total at checkout. If you are using a discount code, your order including the discount must total $199 to get free shipping.

How long will it take to ship my order?

We generally process and pack orders in 2-3 business days.

Orders would take about 5 to 9 business days to ship from our USA warehouse to your place (in the USA). Shipping to other countries would take about 9 to 18 business days. Packages can be delivered as fast as 3 days.

Can I ship one order to multiple addresses?

No, we can only send an order to one address. If you need to have items delivered to multiple addresses, they will need to be placed in separate orders.

What shipping carrier do you use?

Orders will ship via DHL or USPS.

My order arrived but I received the wrong product or something was damaged. What should I do?

Please reach out to us at with your order number and shipping issue. Please include a photo if possible. We will work to resolve the issue as soon as possible.